L-Carnitine 90 Capsules Sport Live Drasanvi

sportsmen and women.  Ingredientes L-Carnitine(Free form)500 mg, Coating Agent(Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), Bulking agent(Microcrystalline cellulose), Bulking agent(Magnesium stearate), Anti-caking agent(Silicon dioxide) Modo de uso Take one capsule a day, preferably before physical…

Muscle Recovery 750 g Sport Live Drasanvi

After working out, the body needs to recover. It is thus critical to provide the body with those nutrients consumed during exercise. Drasanvi’s Recovery Drink offers high molecular weight carbohydrates,…

Magnesium Vials 24×25 ml Sport Live Drasanvi

Magnesium is an essential mineral required by the body. Inadequate intake of dietary Magnesium can lead to Magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency is one of the nutritional factors influencing sports and…

Coconut Water 350 ml Sport Live Drasanvi

Coconut Water is gaining popularity due to its alleged health benefits. Coconut water is refreshing, rich in electrolytes and low in calories, a unique drink well suited for sports people….

D-Tox 90 Tablets Sport Live Drasanvi

Helps maintain normal liver function. Our depurative tablet is a food supplement which, thanks to its choline content, helps to maintain normal liver function.  The action of choline works in…